Therapyte for Novartis: Pharmacotherapy Regimens for RWE Breast Cancer Study

11 July 2023
Therapyte for Novartis: Pharmacotherapy Regimens for RWE Breast Cancer Study

Breast cancer is the most common oncological disease among women. In some countries there are no unified registries of patients with metastatic breast cancer (mBC), which surely complicates the analysis of the specifics of patient management. 

However, real clinical practice studies allow us to evaluate the therapeutic possibilities of drug combinations among a wide heterogeneous population and patients with concomitant diseases, therefore not being constrained by inclusion/exclusion criteria in randomized clinical trials. 

Therapyte has conducted a non-interventional retrospective study for Novartis, using electronic medical records (EMRs) of 1000 patients in 8 Health Care Facilities. 

Download the file to learn more about this case study. 

Pharmacotherapy Regimens for RWE Breast Cancer Study
Therapyte — Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Case Study for Novartis